The changes… They burst into our lives so fast, bringing new experiences, new feelings, and new people. They break the harmony of our slow-paced life.
The squares in the background symbolize the orderliness and stability we enjoy until something new happens. This idea is emphasized by the green color, used to express the harmony of our perfect world.
The woman on the right… Who is she? Being at the top of the right corner, her figure symbolizes a person with high self-esteem. The open eyes symbolize judgment. Having her eyes closed, she no longer wants to judge anyone. At the same time, she feels a lack of attention.
If you take a deeper look, you will see a man next to her. His slink of an eye shows particular interest. Perhaps, her self-esteem frightens him, but he does want to not walk away.
Those bright pink circles dancing within the background seem to be the die that had been cast. Their love interaction has already started, even if they still do not understand that.
The squares symbolize the stability of the life of both participants of an interaction. At the same time, they symbolize the traits of the male. The circles mean the opposite – the traits of a female. If you put them together, they might remind you of a compass, the unity. It has four sides and helps to get out of a confused state.
The man is her key tool for peacefulness.