What is spring for you? Is it time to wake up?
The upper part of the painting is the sky. The hues of pink are intertwined with blue. They show the change, occurring inside us in spring.
«Being calm, tranquil, and silent, like the sea, in winter. Its waters are painted a deep blue. It beckons, enchants, and ensures a calming feeling.
In spring, we start to search for a move. The shades of pink are our care, hope, romantics, and gentle loving energy, which overwhelm us and make us want to share it.
That shift from calmness finds its reflection in the ray of sun that gently touches the wakening nature. The land is painted with shades of green. It is hope, it is peace. It has healing power.
Spring cures the wounds of the Earth. It makes nature to flourish. It renovates the souls of men who found themselves in glooming days.
Spring comes and brings the joy of life.
The trees are the symbol of rebirth: the rebirth of nature and of our souls.
The figure, painted green, stands for the living nature's spirit, keeping balance day-by-day. It is its soul, seeking harmony and peace.
The figures painted brown are the sunken trees. They need healing. They breed no life, they cannot grow, they see no light, and make the world look deserted. Their lives are gloomy and full of sorrow.
Do you hear the dialog?
A strong message, calling to wake up and live in peace…
This contrast is the game of feelings. It represents the state of human beings inside. The right part is the fall or winter. The left part is the spring, which comes to cure souls.